Responding to COVID-19

Safely navigating FUN ON TWO WHEELS
As we’ve adjusted through the past few weeks of COVID-19, our team has been hard at work continuing to set up for the 2020 season and thinking of how we can still serve our clients and have fun on two wheels. We appreciate everyone’s patience and support throughout this process.
While ultimately, it’s a personal decision, we feel that cycling can be a great way to stay healthy physically and mentally as long as you ride within your limits and take every precaution to stay safe and not place any stress on medical services. Read below to see what we’re doing to support you and your endeavour to have #funontwowheels
Our 2020 rental fleet has arrived and man, they are looking good! In order to serve our clients in the safest and most sanitized way possible, we are now providing long term rentals to sea to sky locals.
What does this mean? This is a great opportunity to try out an upgrade, experience e-biking or get a young family member on a larger bike at a reduced investment!
Email us to get you set up for a month long* rental. We are offering curbside delivery and pick up and accepting payment online. PLUS locally sourced sanitizer from Gillespies has arrived to keep our bikes sanitized!
2020 Coaching Programs & Clinics
At this point in time we have paused all clinics and coaching programs until further notice. The safety of our clients is our primary focus and a 2 metre distance would impeded our ability to perform proper first aid assessment if needed.
If we have not already been in contact, please email us to discuss your options.
As we continue to conduct business during the COVID-19 crisis, we want you to know that we are doing everything in our power to ensure social distancing and proper sanitization measures are followed. We’re working hard to upgrade our basecamp and will be providing resources to help you improve your bike skills on your own!
The health and safety of our community is of utmost importance to us but we recognize the need to get outside and spin the tires and will be there to support our community during, and after this pandemic.